Photos from the past, inspirational images, or just because…
If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. – Fred DevitoLisa at a glance – 2020Do you sit all day? Cover image designed by Vinita Bharat, Ph.D. Follow her work as Fuzzy Synapse.As a PhD grad student 2009MSU PDA Picnic 2016Understand the person to deliver better value. – Lisa A. BoughnerPerfection is not attainable, but if we chase imperfection we catch excellence. – Vince LombardiMSU PDA Thanksgiving Potluck 2016Go big or go home. Because it’s true, what do you have to lose? – Eliza DushkuMission Driven – What I’m doing isn’t as important as who I’m doing it for. – Lisa A. BoughnerWhat you do today can improve all your tomorrows. – Ralph MarstonMany are called, but few get up. – Oliver HerfordEmbrace your uniqueness.